Mother and Milk – making tired parents laugh!
I’m Ami Lindholm, animation director and comic artist from Finland. I’m on a mission to make tired parents laugh! With my drawings and animations I encourage parents to be imperfect and say that you are good enough as you are! My comic Vauvakirja -”Baby Life” and short film Mother and Milk show the best and worst moments in parenting!
Mother and Milk
What happens when a baby is born? What if there is no milk? Or just a drop too much? When a baby is born, the fresh parents are drowning in mother’s milk and nothing is the as it used to be. The shortfilm describes the difficulties of breastfeeding and parenting in a hilarious and heartwarming way.
See the film:
> Mother and Milk -animation can me seen in Vimeo.
> Mother and Milk – read more!
Ami Lindholm: “With this film I want to help the fresh parents understand their new in a symbolic level, as a growth process from adult to a parent. I’d like us to laugh together to the absurd situations everybody has experienced. I want to say to the newborn parents that also the forbidden feelings are OK and show with strong visuals that mothers are indeed able to produce enough milk.”
Directors words by Ami Lindholm:
Years ago I gave birth to my daughter. It was so great! We were able to take care of this tiny funny human being. We were laughing a lot. We felt like floating in happiness. Then again, I was very afraid. Looking at my husband’s oversized head (compared to the baby), I realised we had moved on. What would be next? I was totally panicing and being tired all the time didn’t help.. How can I produce enough milk? Why does the baby not sleep, why does the baby sleep so much? Is my own life over, will the baby ever stop crying!!!
After stressing a lot, at some point we kind of got used to the new situation and the new life started to be predictable. About that time all our friends got babies as well and I understood that this is difficult for everybody. We have the medical information but we don’t know how to handle this transforming process, how does it feel to become a parent. So I started to think if I could help somehow, when I still remember how to be between these two worlds.
With this film I want to help the fresh parents understand their new in a symbolic level, as a growth process from adult to a parent. I’d like us to laugh together to the absurd situations everybody has experienced. I want to say to the newborn parents that also the forbidden feelings are ok and show with strong visuals that mothers are able to produce engouh milk.
Vauvakirja – Baby Life
The Baby Book started as my illustrated diary when my first baby was born. With the comics I help the fresh parents in their growth process of becoming parents. We can laugh together to the absurd baby situations (which are funny only afterwards). Maybe it helps to know that we’re not alone, we all experience the same situations.
The comics were first published in Finnish Baby Magazine Kaksplus 2012-2016, then collected into a comic album published by Kosmoskirjat 2017.
You can purchase it here in Finnish! Or would you like to read Vauvakirja in your language?? Please contact Ferly !
Ami Lindholm, animation director and illustrator
I am Ami Lindholm, animation director and illustrator and I am on a mission to make tired parents laugh! I encourage parents to be imperfect and say that you are good enough as you are. My comic Vauvakirja -”Baby Book” and short film Mother and Milk show the best and worst moments in parenting – in a hilarious yet touching way.
Previously I have directed award winning animations, for example The Irresistible Smile (2006)
and animations to documentary Film Lumikko, directed by Miia Tervo (2009) (in Finland only).
At Rovio Entertainment I was episode director for Angry Birds Stella Tv series seasons 1&2
I work as a producer and director in our own animation collective Paperihattu a community of 20 animation artists and illustrators.
I enjoy creating big moments with a simple visual style. With my art (Check out my portfolio ), I always wants to encourage and give hope, however dark the situation might be.
If you would like to know how it’s like to be an animation director, you can listen to the Directors In Animation Podcast