The shortfilm Mother and Milk -animation describes the difficulties of breastfeeding and parenting in a hilarious and heartwarming way.

Mother and milk -animation

Drawn animation, 10 min, 2019

Mother and Milk describes the mental process of becoming a parent – imagined as a catastrophe film. When the baby is born the new mother has to give up the life she knew. A flood of breast milk covers everything – her home, work, friends, relationship and a good night’s sleep. Only after realizing she is a part of the eternal chain of generations, Mother is able to accept the situation and start living her new life in the family.

What happens when a baby is born? What if there is no milk? Or just a drop too much? When a baby is born, the fresh parents are drowning in mother’s milk and nothing is the as it used to be. The film describes the difficulties of breastfeeding and parenting in a hilarious and heartwarming way.

Would you like to show the film at your festival or event: Please contact Festival Agency Aug&Ohr:

Screenings + awards:

49th GIFFONI FILM FESTIVAL (Parental Experience competition, Giffoni, Italy) JULY 26, 2019

4th TURKU ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL (National Competition, Turku, Finland)AUGUST 22, 2019

3rd RED CARPET FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Hyvinkää, Finland)AUGUST 27, 2019

26th RAUMA BLUE SEA FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Rauma, Finland)AUGUST 30, 2019

28th IAFF KROK (Official Selection, Kiew, Ukraine)SEPTEMBER 22, 2019

32nd HELSINKI INT’L FILM FESTIVAL (Cut to the chase, the national competition, Helsinki, Finland)SEPTEMBER 25, 2019

19th ANIMA (Official Selection, Cordoba, Argentina)OCTOBER 9, 2019

5th REX ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Stockholm, Sweden)OCTOBER 1, 2019

28th FINNISH FILM WEEK (Official Selection, St. Petersburg, Russia)NOVEMBER 1, 2019

6th NEW CHITOSE AIRPORT INT’L ANIMATION FESTIVAL (Official Selection, Hokkaido, Japan) NOVEMBER 1, 2019

Directors words by Ami Lindholm: 

Years ago I gave birth to my daughter. It was so great! We were able to take care of this tiny funny human being. We were laughing a lot. We felt like floating in happiness. Then again, I was very afraid. Looking at my husband’s oversized head (compared to the baby), I realised we had moved on. What would be next? I was totally panicing and being tired all the time didn’t help.. How can I produce enough milk? Why does the baby not sleep, why does the baby sleep so much? Is my own life over, will the baby ever stop crying!!! 

After stressing a lot, at some point we kind of got used to the new situation and the new life started to be predictable. About that time all our friends got babies as well and I understood that this is difficult for everybody. We have the medical information but we don’t know how to handle this transforming process, how does it feel to become a parent. So I started to think if I could help somehow, when I still remember how to be between these two worlds. 

With this film I want to help the fresh parents understand their new in a symbolic level, as a growth process from adult to a parent. I’d like us to laugh together to the absurd situations everybody has experienced. I want to say to the newborn parents that also the forbidden feelings are ok and show with strong visuals that mothers are able to produce engouh milk.


See the trailer of Mother and milk -animation from Vimeo!